India China dispute

India China dispute

This time is very critical for India and china.Both countries are saying that they are standing right.But it is not clear for world what is right?
Friends let's understand the real fact behind this dispute.
Docala is the land of Bhutan while India and China are standing in front of war.The reason behind it looking like ego.
yes ego of China that they can do anything that they want. For India have to challenge to restrict the china to do it.
Currently India is very cool at this topic but China is pressuring due to his ego.
War is not solution of this matter both countries have to understand.
In both country's media are comparing to strength of army. This will force to war.
This is not good.

India' s stand-

India says that Bhutan is a small country and Bhutan's defense is our first priority according to relationship between India and Bhutan.
India's foreign minister " Ms Susma Swaraj" has said clearly about this issue.
I think there is not any fault by India. Every thing right in the world opinion.

China's Stand- 

China telling new things every day. I thing they want to do as they wish at any condition. More then half of the world countries knows the china's policy. Almost every china's border related country  are facing these problems.
China should understand this is not good.


It is simple the Docala is the land of Bhutan. Let him to decide what they want.


This time war is very dangerous for humans. It will more dangerous if humans are created atom bombs.
Today's war not like previous wars. As example united state is afraid of a small country.

friends,even If you are not related to any of both countries please share your thought at this matter in the comment box. Because if both countries will fight the whole world will be effected.

We hope you will share what you think.


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